Roadmap to Future Virtual Community Center
To meet me


The Newsroom is the place for members and the public to get news relevant to the community in a VCC. Among others, the VCC community can publish a community newspaper or a newsletter, maintain topical news feeds, have a group of opinion writers commenting on VCC-relevant topics, or maintaining a billboard. A Press Release Corner provides access to vetted and trusted information for the press.

Enter the Newsroom:

RM2F VCC Billboard

[Jul. 08, 2023] Invitation to Join: The community in the RM2F VCC has developed a road map to the future that identifies key priorities for tackling the planetary emergency we all are facing. This road map identifies priorities for assessing what investments would not only lead to returns to the investors but help to tackle the emergency and ensure a viable future for the planetary system and humanity. If you are investing or engaged in advising investors, this is the community to join.