About Place4Us and the Virtual Community Centers | Login to meet me: |
Place4Us is not ...Place4Us is not a social media platform: Place4Us is not for people to be entertained like on TikTok, connect with family or find friends from the past like on Facebook, feature great images or videos like on Instagram, or an outlet channel for short statements like on Twitter (or, what it is now called: X). It also is not a place to link to other professionals like LinkedIn. Place4Us is not for entertaiment: The work on Place4Us is driven by our acknowledgement that we are in a planetary and human existential emergency. Our goal is to bring those communities together that are working to tackle this emergency. The communities on Place4Us are working toward a better, a liveable future. Place4Us is not for Influencers to gain Followers: Place4Us does not have a like-button or a means to follow specific particpants. There are places where people can be featured, but participants cannot feature themselves to gain large numbers of followers. Collaboration between participants is encouraged and supported in many ways, but focus is on community building, giving the "We" higher priority than the "I". Place4Us is not for economic gains: Place4Us does not support commercial activities. It is focused on voluntary community-based activities. Place4Us will never support any forms of advertisement or exchanges of services or goods that involve money. However, companies and their stakeholders can open VCCs to engage with their stakeholders in activities aligned to the mission of Place4Us. But ...Place4Us is an environment for communities to work together for a better tomorrow: Place4Us is designed with a focus on meeting the needs of communities who want to collaborate with other groups or clusters of communities. It is design for communities sharing a vision for a better future and a mission for making progress towards this vision. Place4Us is a companion of a better physical world!: Place4Us is designed with a high degree of similarity to the physical world. The VCCs are conceptually comparable to buildings in the real world that house community centers with many facilities. Groups of VCCs are comparable to towns, and cluster to countries. The Town square and the Harbor provide spaces for many activities that involve all Place4Us participants. |